The normal aging process causes wrinkles, particularly on parts of our body that are revealed to the sun, like the face, under eyes, neck, forearms, and hands. As soon as you hit 40, your skin loses its natural thickness and moisture. Then, wrinkles start to appear. That’s why we’re dedicating this article to tell you home remedies for wrinkles under eyes.
Generally, genetics play an important role in the appearance of wrinkles. However, sun exposure seems to be the greatest cause, particularly in people with fair skin. Also, wrinkles may appear because of smoking and an unhealthy diet.
You can use Over-the-counter (OTC) skin creams that have antioxidants, vitamin-A derived retinoids, and collagen (protein) can lessen fine wrinkles under eyes and even out your skin color and texture. So, before you attempt any medical treatment, you should try home remedies for wrinkles under eyes, some of them are proven to get rid of wrinkles.

9 Effective Home Remedies for Wrinkles under Eyes:

You should definitely try some home remedies for wrinkles under eyes before heading to a doctor. It’s always best to try natural remedies before trying any chemical remedies. If you change your lifestyle, apply masks and take good care of your skin, the wrinkles will be gone in no time.

1.      Yogurt & Probiotics:

If you eat probiotics like yogurt, it’ll lessen the appearance of wrinkles and improve your overall skin health. In human studies, doctors noticed that applying yogurt to the skin does it stronger against stressors like sun exposure.

2.      Egg Whites:

Mix together a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice, one egg white and half a teaspoon of honey. This mixture provides the antiseptic and antibacterial benefits of honey. Also, it provides the astringents in lemon juice to kill bacteria.
This anti-aging mask is very powerful for oily skin as well because of the egg whites. Simply, egg whites shrink pores, tighten, tone, and reduce excess oil secretion from your pores.

3.      Olive Oil:

Over 5,000 years ago, Egyptians started using olive oil and extracted it from the olive tree, and then immediately used it as a cosmetic product. Most commonly, we use it as a moisturizer since it’s rich in vitamins A, E, and antioxidants. Olive oil also helps to fight the skin-damaging free radicals.
Apply one tablespoon of olive oil under your eyes and massage it gently into the skin twice every day. Moreover, it protects against sun damage from exposure.

4.      Coconut Oil:

It’s a fact theta coconut oil is a powerful antioxidant and prevents the free radicals formation. Therefore, it prevents the primary cause of early aging and wrinkles under eyes.
It contains an emollient which makes it a natural skin-softening moisturizer and helps lessen wrinkles.
Massage one tablespoon of coconut oil into your skin every night before you sleep. Coconut oil is one of the best home remedies for wrinkles under eyes.

5.      Banana Mask

This healthy fruit isn’t just delicious to eat, but can also be a delicious treat for treating your wrinkles and a powerful face mask.
Mash one banana up with a fork. Then, add a teaspoon of plain yogurt, and a teaspoon of orange juice under your eyes and your entire face. Then leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes.
Vitamin A will help remove any dark spots and blemishes under your eyes, while vitamin B will stop aging, and potassium will hydrate and moisturize your skin cells. Finally, vitamin E which is “the protector” fights free radical damage and supporting the skin’s resistance to daylight damage.

6.      Superfoods:

Your skin is a combination of water, proteins, and fats. Obviously, it needs a healthy combination of food supplies for replenishment.
Tomatoes are packed with vitamin C, and lycopene, which improves the vascular system and protects your skin from sun damage. As a result, this will give you a natural glow thanks to the increased blood circulation.
Blueberries have a very strong combination of collagen-protecting vitamin C and antioxidants.
Almonds are rich with skin-plumping, hydrating fats and vitamin E that protect from UV damage.

7.      Minerals:

Zinc is an essential supplement if you get breakouts or acne. Simply, it clears your skin and tame oil production. Moreover, it helps with acne scars or lesions treatment.
Selenium is an excellent preventive wrinkle treatment and a powerful antioxidant. It neutralizes free radicals under eyes and in your skin before any damage is caused and restores your skin’s elasticity.
Copper is a fundamental mineral for collagen, and elastin formation and acts as support. You shouldn’t take too much copper because it’s only needed in a small amount. However, a cream with copper peptides will definitely improve your skin’s clarity, decrease wrinkles under eyes, fine lines, and photo damage.

8.      Lemon Juice & Honey

This is one of the simplest home remedies for wrinkles under eyes. The lemon juice honey dab reduces the appearance of wrinkles just before you put on your makeup, go outdoors, or wash your face.
Apply a thin layer of lemon juice and honey under your eyes for 10 minutes to tighten your skin. Then rinse the dab off, feel fresh, smell nice and fight wrinkles.
The honey is a humectant, and it preserves moisture in your skin cells, while the lemon improves the production of collagen.

9.      Cucumber Yogurt Mask:

Puree half a cucumber with mint leaves. Then, mix them in half a cup of Greek yogurt, and keep it in the fridge for 15 to 20 minutes.
It’s a naturally hydrating face mask and home remedy for wrinkles under eyes. A cucumber has Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, vitamin C, folic acid, iron, calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, potassium, and zinc.
It lightens, tightens, hydrates, and tones your skin. Moreover, it protects it from peeling, dryness, or cracking.
Finally, these are the 9 home remedies for wrinkles under eyes that you should definitely try! Which home remedy is the most effective from your personal experience? Share with us in the comments below.